I Don't Care

by Lyndsay Kalyta   Dec 6, 2006

I'm following my heart because
It's the one thing that won't lead me astray
I don't care what you have to say
Your words are promises not broken yet
But give it time and you'll see
All you're trying to do right now is hurt me
In a way you've been hurt before
By so many other girls
But that doesn't mean you gotta ruin my world
Keep your distance from me
Please, stand aside
I don't need tears to fall from my eyes
It's killing me now
To know this of you
And to think I thought what you've said is all true
I'm shaking inside
And I'm holding my heart close to me now
Trying to figure this all out somehow
Don't put your arms around me
A hugs not going to win me back this time
Tonight my heart is going to be only mine
I wish I could take back my kisses
That I've left upon your lips
I'd love to turn the tables and make you feel like shit
I like the fact that you on your knees
Begging for me to make sense of the things I've said
I'm laughing now, because I know what's going through your head
You picked the wrong girl to mess with
I'm not in a good mood at all
My goal is to make you suffer, feel so incredibly small
The truth is, I don't care today
And I probably won't care tomorrow
Because you don't care that you've caused me this sorrow
You are trapped in this endless hole
And you don't know how to get out alone
I wish I could've seen this coming, how could I not have known
You're a jerk and I have to deal with the fact
That I somehow fell for your lies
I'm just hoping tonight, you're the one who cries


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  • 17 years ago

    by Robyn

    Wow i really love this poem so much emotion its great!!! i really like reading ur poems u r great!!
    robyn xoxo