A Trusted bond

by Arunansu   Dec 6, 2006

Your words
My worries
have found a nest
in a friendship tree,
bestowing us
The sought after asylum
with twigs of support
leaves of missives
that nursed a flowering rapport
narrating our story.

our days,
breathing on distinguished thruways
being unseen to each other
like two wandering birds
flying from different quarter
then again
I give to you
the sunrise of every prevision
the stirring in your endeavor
whilst your selfless locution,
the shapes of each letter
my suffering
as your empathetic scripts
remain securely perched
within the affable casing
in our habitual tree-
of amity.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Beautifully penned! I like the mataphor and the imagery! Great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Arunansu

    Thanx Serendib for your encouraging remarks. Sorry for responding so late.