My hood

by Riser   Dec 6, 2006

U havent walked through
the streets of my hood
and u wouldnt dare
even if u could

look at ur clothes
100 dollars 4 that shirt
look at my clothes
stained wit water and dirt

look at ur shoes
all pretty and pink
look at my shoes
they older then u think

look at ur hair
all died and styled
look at my hair
all crazy and wild

but look at ur personality
all fake and preppy
and look at my personality
all real and ready

look at ur friends
they dont really care about u
look at my friends
theyre truer then true

look at ur daddys ride
its pimpin from side to side
but u cant look at my daddys ride
b cuzz 2 me he died

he never was around
and never will be
he barely paid child support
he said he had no money

but i knew better
then to belive his lies
hes not and wasent ever
a hero in my eyes

just me, my mom
and my brothers
we made it through
b cuzz we had eachother

we didnt need another man
in our lives
but for sum reason
thats all my mama wanted to find

sammy was the athlete
and TJ was just fly
i wasent good at anything
i think thats why my mama cried

for so many years
i blamed myself
it wasent my fault
i just wasent no help

i got in the way
i know i did
so i turned to the streets
they showed love 4 this kid!

so this goes out
to the peeps on the streets
the ones who help me
keep this beat.


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  • 17 years ago

    by DatHoodBarbiieKristen

    I LOVEE dis poem. Jus dha first phrase madee me wanna read moree. i can deff relate n i can tell dat you writing from dha heart. Its madd good yo. Keep up dha good work.