I'm Through

by myshiningstar14   Dec 6, 2006

My heart longs to bleed,
so I can be set free.

It's rhythm flows beneath
my skin,
it points and laughs at
me for it knows the pain
I'm in.

My soul shakes,
my hands are trembling;
if I leave it will find me
and drown me.

I scream,
I shout,
I kick the past out.
My heart is through
its through breaking.
I caress my new found
dream, as I lye in the
arms of you my baby.

Dreams of stone,
made into dreams of
and here it holds me.

The past once like a
living virus inside of me,
still it tries to get hold
of me.
It speaks,
it triggers,
I get weak.

So hard to hold back,
and not attack.
The things I use to lack,
my innocence,
my beauty
I have gained back.

The hate inside
no longer abides,
I have choose a
softer side of me;
I'm suddenly free
and my heart no
longer, longs to


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