Beautiful Rose

by myshiningstar14   Dec 6, 2006

** KEY NOTE...notice the alter in person uses (my, I her, she)...see if you can figure out what they are and why I wrote this poem this way..its very vital all i can say is look at how I talk about being beautiful then about how "I'm taking control this bit is getting old." thats an important line.**

Left in the rain,
I wither.
The missiles of
water hit me like
icicles stabbing my

Stomped on,
left almost to

Withered in the
absence of the sun,
I am completely
molded to the ground.

My petals are torn,
and my stem maybe
My sky may be weathered
and my thorns may be sharp
but I'm as beautiful as can be.

Handed to the shadows
of torment,
you've become my life.
Ripped from my roots,
I wobble
still I am standing.

You nourish me,
holding me when the
torment gets to be too
You comfort me when
the repairing gets to be
too tough.

I may be scorched,
I may be covered in bruises
and the pain may get to me
I may be hiding the pain,
I may be waiting for the rain,
I may be rubbing the stains
away with more stains,
but your love mended with His
never dies.

Behind our tears,
our imperfections,
our screams,
is a gurl.
She's crying out to you,
she's falling in love so hard,
she's breaking open.

Her heart hasn't gotten a
chance to heal.
She's caught up in the beat
that her heart breaks.
She's shaken because her
heart's trying to beat and
break at the same time.

She doesn't know her worth,
that she's already as beautiful
as a rose.
She's let her past undo her stitches.
She's so use to painting on a smile.
She's so use to the pain,
so use to the abandonment
that its always in the back of her mind.

I'm taking control,
this bit is getting old.

I may be all dirty,
I may be all covered
in stains,
I may be falling apart,
but baby I'm falling
together whenever I'm
in your arms.

Behind our dried
the poison runs
from our lips,
it drains us.
Still their lies a
gurl, running
toward you;
she's screaming:
"Save me, hold me!"
She's lost inside
and here you stand
cupping her face,
drinking the poison
just one last taste,
with every touch of
your fingertips.

My beauty lies
in my imperfections,
my innocence rips
away the hurt;
I'm a beautiful rose.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    It took me a while to understand, i had to read it through a couple of times.
    But it's amazing. Your words are so beautiful and i think this is easily one of your best poems on here
    Well done...