A land of make believe

by skye   Dec 7, 2006

My heart beats in rhythm for you
forever repeating your name
i linger here in the darkness
hoping your feelings are the same

i lye in the dark at night and smile
while the world is captured by sleep
i go to a place of make believe
where no one's sad enough to weep

in this land of love and happiness
you surround me with your love
and comfort me with your warmth
engulfed in my own land far above

in this place you want to be with me
i am the only one on your mind
the only one you dream about
the true beauty you longed to find

i love this place of make believe
the essence of magic consumes me
i am happy for a little while
until the sun peeps across the blue sea

the world is awakened for slumber
eyes begin to open and see
that reality has prevailed us again
and depression is all of me


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  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Fantasy is definately better then reality and your poem just lets us know for sure amazing flow and excellent word usage 5/5