Funny things To do in a Lift!

by Esther   Dec 7, 2006

1: when theres only 1 person in the elevator tap them on the shoulder then when they turn pretend it wasnt you

2: push all the buttons then walk away. a few minutes later come back for more.

3: ask if you can push the buttons for other people then get them wrong

4: hold open the door and say you are waiting for a friend. after a while close them and say "hey george, hows your day been?"

5: stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionaly

6: drop a pen and wait till someone picks it up, then scream "THATS MINE!!!"

7: take a camara and take pictures of everyone in the elevator

8: take a desk in and when someone comes in ask them if they have an appointment

9: put down a twister mat and ask everyone if they want to play

10: leave a box in the corner and ask if they can hear the ticking

11: pretend your a flight attendent and go over safety procedures

12: ask "did u feel that!?!?"

13: when the doors close annonce "dont worry, they open again"

14: swat flies that dont exist

15: call out "group hug" and enforce it

16: grimace painfully, slap your forehead and mutter "shut up, all of you, SHUT UP!"

17: open your briefcase/purse and say into it "do you have enough air in there?"

18: stand silently facing the wall without getting off

19: stare at another passenger for a while then anonunce " you're one of them " and back away slowly

20: wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers

21: listen to the walls with a stethoscope

22: make explosion noises when anyone presses a button

23: grin at another passenger for a while then say "i have new socks on"

24: draw a little square on the floor and tell the others this is your "personal" space.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by KaKaSHi

    Hahahaha !
    im soooo doing some of these!

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Hey beautiful poem!...very well written! made laugh! it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    I effing love this, yo.
    Especially number six.
    I wish I had the guts to do that.

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    LOOL! damn.. some of those were really funny!!! loved this one..

    4: hold open the door and say you are waiting for a friend. after a while close them and say "hey george, hows your day been?"

    it would freak them out for sure !!

    5/5 ! ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    1. this isnt a poem
    2 you didnt write it.}

    Good enough comment for ya?

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