Comments : The Silence

  • 18 years ago

    by tomboy15

    Hey allison thats an awesome poem i like it but how do you come up with theses kinds of poems and it just flows through

  • 18 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    I think you expressed your point and then kind of expounded on it; unless it has personal meaning I'd cut down wat you were sayign a lil. Also, articles like the and a could be removed through out to tighten it up. Silence is repeated far too often, imo. but you've set up some good devices; i very much like the beginning stanza but think if you broke it into sections, it would maximize the effect: ie:

    A deafening reality
    that even the guns
    of moments before
    cannot match.

    A deadly nothingness
    that screams to be heard.
    Life has been split two ways
    that of the dead and gone

    and then those that
    are barely alive.
    Life means the most
    during the silence.

    And here's a section where those articles could be trimmer.. very ice piece th0, just needs some plishing.