Pilgrimage ( The Hajj )

by Eibutsina   Dec 7, 2006

The Ka'bah
A shrine in the heart of Makkah
The holiest site in our faith
Our sacred first temple
To the one and true God
Built by the hands of Abraham and Ishmael
The focus of our daily prayers
A profoundly devotional state
An unending pilgrimage ritual
Beginning of rigorous observances
Complex to those on the outside
White and unhemmed cloth is abundant
The simple yet cherished Ihram
Is showered upon each and every pilgrim
Not with the aid of washing nor shaving
As though one is already dead
Demise of plant and animal life be forbidden
On the deserted plains of Arafat
As the motion of the sun does rise at dawn of day
Sure as the sun then sets into the mountains
A mere metaphor for the journey we call life
The vision of our destined path
The path we shall walk through out our lives
A difficult and narrow, sometimes lonely path
That with the blessing, the precious guidance of God
One can only hope and pray to follow
As all things do come from God
They too one day return to Him
The Hajj pilgrimage
The long road of journey we determine to be our life
Both lead knowingly back to the house of God.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    I love your poem. you know i have been to al bait al haram last year and it was my first time to see al-kabah and when i first saw it tears were falling down and i didn't believe i am finally there.
    nice poem keep up.

  • 17 years ago

    by Run out of words

    Lovely poem, if I may say, it is not the poem that attracted me but it is the words your poem beholds. The topic itself has me head over heels. The Hajj is a Moslem trip right? I find the religion and its customs extraordinary and so interesting! The places are beautiful! I am not a Moslem, actually I'm Hindu...but the religion is beautiful. I love your poem, it describes the trip so well. My friend told me she has to go to this trip as well, and well I guess she's lucky ^^!!

  • 18 years ago

    by ThugPoet

    You continue to move me with your words mashaAllaah. I havent been a good muslim all my life as i only discovered its beauty recently. But i am now in madeenah and travell to Makkah often and i tell you the feeling is far beyong a bliss and contentment that is known to man, wallaah =). Thank you for the poem ukhtee.

    Your humble brother in Islaam.