Comments : Pilgrimage ( The Hajj )

  • 18 years ago

    by ThugPoet

    You continue to move me with your words mashaAllaah. I havent been a good muslim all my life as i only discovered its beauty recently. But i am now in madeenah and travell to Makkah often and i tell you the feeling is far beyong a bliss and contentment that is known to man, wallaah =). Thank you for the poem ukhtee.

    Your humble brother in Islaam.

  • 17 years ago

    by Run out of words

    Lovely poem, if I may say, it is not the poem that attracted me but it is the words your poem beholds. The topic itself has me head over heels. The Hajj is a Moslem trip right? I find the religion and its customs extraordinary and so interesting! The places are beautiful! I am not a Moslem, actually I'm Hindu...but the religion is beautiful. I love your poem, it describes the trip so well. My friend told me she has to go to this trip as well, and well I guess she's lucky ^^!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    I love your poem. you know i have been to al bait al haram last year and it was my first time to see al-kabah and when i first saw it tears were falling down and i didn't believe i am finally there.
    nice poem keep up.