Killing Double Love

by BeautifulDisaster   Dec 8, 2006

The love she feels
is unbearable.

she can't even explain it
to either guy.

she loves them both
and she can't help it.

she doesn't know why
or how it happened.

she dumped the one she loved
for the one she liked.

but ended up falling
falling for the one she liked.

now she loves them both
and doesn't know what to do.

how could she tell them
how could they understand.

the one she left
is over her.

the one she wants
doesn't want her.

she feels lost
she feels un loved.

she wants
to be wanted.

she cant explain it
she doesn't want to.

so she doesn't
she ignores it.

but as the depression wears on
she wants to die.

she ignores them both
not reading their notes.

after starving herself for a week
her parents put her in the hospital.

as she lies on the hospital bed

both guys hold her hands
telling her they are sorry.

they are sorry it went this way
sorry they made it lead like this.

they wish they could go back
and save her life.

her last words are
i will always love you both.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Damn, i thought i loved two people once but stayed with the 'safe' one and found out that it was the right thing to do :D

    xxx alex xxx (3)

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    Sad but intresting, it didn't go in the direction I thought it was going. another well written poem you have here. The emtion was deep, but the word chice could have bben a little better. Excellent job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Hey Brittknee

    Awww amazing in this situation right now with 2 guys and i have anorexia so wow this poem really hit home for me

    amazing poem your writing is beautiful and so full of emotion

    keep up the great work

  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    It is like you arent even writing a poem at all. You are just looking forsomeone to rant to or something. Sure writing it out is a good way, but you really need to make a rhythm or make it rhyme or something. They call it poetry for a reason. And your stanza's are too short. When stanzas are organized they typically have a rhyme scheme or there is a particular reason they are organized they way they are. If you organize them with two lines, make every other line rhyme or something. Im really not trying to be mean. I jist have to be honest, jist as I expect others to be with me.

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Aww.. this is sad.. nice job though.. the emotion came out great in the poem