Comments : Killing Double Love

  • 18 years ago

    by Rona

    That was real sad but very well done. I felt the pain the girl in this poem felt. I found this deep. Great job! Keep it up! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    Ok its sad. but not relaly realistic. she starves herself for a week, and nowis dying? i mean. i htink the structure could use more. the story line i mean. it could use more depth, explain more aobut the relationships and such.

    overall a pretty good poem wiht potential.


  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Wow! The emotion surrounding that! Poor girl,. You make the reader feel like they are right in your poem. Good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by emptysole

    Hey ive been in his situation before its a lways a hard one good write and hope you make the right choice if this is true keep up the good word and always be happy =]

  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Aww.. this is sad.. nice job though.. the emotion came out great in the poem

  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    It is like you arent even writing a poem at all. You are just looking forsomeone to rant to or something. Sure writing it out is a good way, but you really need to make a rhythm or make it rhyme or something. They call it poetry for a reason. And your stanza's are too short. When stanzas are organized they typically have a rhyme scheme or there is a particular reason they are organized they way they are. If you organize them with two lines, make every other line rhyme or something. Im really not trying to be mean. I jist have to be honest, jist as I expect others to be with me.

  • 17 years ago

    by Hey Brittknee

    Awww amazing in this situation right now with 2 guys and i have anorexia so wow this poem really hit home for me

    amazing poem your writing is beautiful and so full of emotion

    keep up the great work

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    Sad but intresting, it didn't go in the direction I thought it was going. another well written poem you have here. The emtion was deep, but the word chice could have bben a little better. Excellent job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Damn, i thought i loved two people once but stayed with the 'safe' one and found out that it was the right thing to do :D

    xxx alex xxx (3)