Waiting.. Diary Of Sorrow

by manic moments   Dec 8, 2006

I'll wait another day
I'll wait another year
Broken hearted, spoiled smile
I will wait another year

Sit there with my diary
Sit there through the next heart
Sit there waiting for a break
That will let me fall apart

I'll wait the next decade
I'll wait the next life time
Just to get the chance to hurt you back
Just to get back at you for this crime

I'll wait there with my diary open
Pages filled with tears
I'll wait there with pen to page
Writing everything I hear

As I look in the sky
As I watch the moon fall
I'll wait another year
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

I'll sit there with my diary
Memories still intact yet broken
Looking for my place, looking for the day
Waiting for the last words to be spoken

I'll wait another day
I'll wait another year
Waiting with my wounds still weeping
I will wait another year

Somethings getting caught
Somethings not moving
Somethings left me hollow
With nothing left proving

Yet I wait the next day
Wait the next week
Wait the next month
Wait the entire year, waiting weak

I'll have this before it ends
I'll have my chance before it breaks
My heart still in pieces, still bleeding
Waiting again for you, and all the other fakes

A diary full of hatred
Full of words that only you could speak
I made my mistake, now I wait this entire year
When you shall full down weak

Diary with your hand print
On my heart, on my face
The blood from your fists, the skin from my lips
Waiting the entire year, living without grace

No love in this fight
What have you become?
The diary of your assault
Of all that has become

I'll wait another day
I'll wait another year
With this diary open to the page
I'll write what I hear

Diary with your name
Cut out of my heart
Diary, battered and torn
I'll wait another year for my diary to fall apart


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  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    Wow thats good. i keep a journal with quick sketches and feelings and peoms. it's really good dom. alot of emotion. 5/5.
    love willow xxoo

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedNightmare

    I loved this poem. The emotions in it was overwhelming...