Words of Advice

by Rona   Dec 8, 2006

We are constantly reminded, "Life is too short"
But it is up to us to make it work.

We must use the time that is given to us wisely
Take every chance we get and use it precisely.

We know what is right and what is wrong
And we make choices to decide where we belong.

Dream possibilities and make them come true
What the outcome may be is all up to you.

Make mistakes but try not to make them twice
Learn from them and you won't pay the price.

Never let criticisms put you down
Instead hold your head up high and do not frown.

Use every day as a stepping-stone to a lifelong achievement
Take every flaw and make some improvement.

If ever we may find ourselves in a dead end situation
We must not be afraid to follow our intuition.

Take life as it is, no more no less
Believe in what you do and you will be a success.
Copyright © 2006 Rona


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    I love how you made every line related to life today. Very good choices of words, and great rhyming scheme. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    An excellent read. It had a nice flow, good whyming but my favourite thing about it was the advice. Great advice given in that poem. Its a very imspirtation peace of writing, which i think everyone should read, and heed the advice given. Keep up great work! xx

  • 18 years ago

    by ALEX

    That's pretty inspirational, i must say. You must of been in a good mood when you wrote this! Er, well, maybe not. I don't know. Great poem!


  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    What an inspiring message. The amount of time destined to each of us is unknown and we should make the most of it. Nice job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Reggie Jay

    Lets just say i mite take some of this advice. It was a very well written poem.