He Did Care

by JUSTiNA   Dec 8, 2006

She thought he never loved her
She thought he never cared
But it was the opposite of that,
To live without her he could not bare

She thought he would dump her soon
She thought it was all fake
But the truth was
To go one day without her he could not take

She thought that if she was in the hospital
And she was about to die
She thought he wouldnâ??t even care
But he would actually cry

She thought he played her
She thought he just messed with her feelings
But that was not true because if she broke up their relationship,
There would be no medicine that would heal him

Everyone lied to her
And told her that he was cheating
If she knew the truth,
That would save her days of her weeping

She actually did love him
So much everyone thought it was impossible
She didn't know that the love he had for her
Was indestructible

She found out that he actually loved her
When he was in the hospital about to die
When he was in the bed
She was by his side

Years ago she had lung cancer
And if it wasn't for a person who gave up a lung she would've died
She never knew it at first but he was the one who saved her
He actually saved her life

He died that day and she was miserable
But she still had that doubt that he never did love her
But the doctors told her that he was the one who helped her out
He had been the one to save her from dying of lung cancer

**Plz comment and vote. Tell me what u think*** JUSTiNA


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  • 16 years ago

    by lamm

    :( that was heart-breaking :( i almost cried :(


    come and comment on my new poems :x thank you

  • 17 years ago

    by .:.:Broken_Barbie:.:.

    I love this poem...i have u under my favorites, but this poem jsut blows me away...keep it up =]]

  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    Aw man that wsa really sad and unfortunate. i like the way it was structured. very well written. definitely a touching poem keep it up. xx