Dearest Grandma

by Fire Breather   Dec 9, 2006

Dearest Grandma
Your death hits me sharp
I remember the pain
As I cried in the dark
And grieved in the morn.
Where love held my heart
I am now torn.

I look back now
Upon days long gone
When we walked in the park
Or rolled on the lawn.
And oh the stories you'd tell
On those cold winter nights,
Of dragons and ghouls
And knights and sword fights.

And the dragons,
In those stories you'd tell
They were fearsome and warm
And helplessly,
Carelessly angry and worn.
Then you'd touch my hand,
With your soft, smooth fingers
And the feeling that,
And for endless time lingers,
You'd whisper to me,
In the dark of the night
That the dragons in the stories
Shouldn't be a fright.

Then you'd climb off the bed
And kiss my goodnight,
And the weight off my bed
I would see you take flight
And leave me in the shadows
While you walked in the light.

Now the tides have turned
And I live in the sun,
While your mind and your spirit
Has taken a run
From the land of the living
To the land of the dead
And endlessly giving
That terrible dread.
"There's a ghost in the house!
A ghost!" they'd say,
But I never took time
To stop my play
And worry their words
Until in my head
They flew like birds,
or dragons....

I never worried,
When they said those harsh things,
Because I always knew
You weren't mean,
You weren't a mean ghost.
Just helplessly lost,
In the land of the solid,
Unseen and unknown
'Cept for one little kid.
You never left me,
You never did go,
And in my heart,
I promise to know...

Dearest Grandma,
May I kiss you goodnight?
And wish you a warm welcome,
To the Second half of life..


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  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Very sweet and sad poem. I loved it. Keep up the good work. It had great word choice and a great flow to it. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a beautiful tribute to your Grandmother! She must have been wonderful! Your love for her can be felt in the words that you wrote!

  • 17 years ago

    by Liz

    I swear, this made me cry!! I just lost my grandmother 2 weeks ago...she raised me and I've never been away from her so I know what you're going through. I don't know how long ago you lost her but stay strong!!! Loved the poem!! Keep writing!!


  • 17 years ago

    by LoreNz0

    Nice poem, sad for ur loss and i think she would have like it.

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