So Now You Choose To Pray?

by Midnight Sun   Dec 9, 2006

You live your life day by day
In any way you'd like
You claim to be independent
...Until disaster strikes

You hit your knees on the floor
Bowing your head in shame
You know you don't deserve the help
But ask all the same

"God, I know I'm not good to you
And I give you barely any time
But I'm asking for assistance now
That can hardly be a crime."

"I know I run from responsibility
And I've been in the foxhole much too long
For this I'm truly sorry
But I need you now, for me to be strong."

So His mercy is bestowed once more
And this trial soon disappears
So once again you forget Him
Until something else strikes fear

You live your life on your own
From Him you've learned to stray
You hardly ever think of Him
And now you choose to pray?


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  • 16 years ago

    by keithnwv

    This is an awsome poem. Being humans and sinners, we all are the same. I just hope we can learn from our mistakes and trials and not repeat them. But honestly, I do that to much!!

    Great writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by jose

    This is very nice work keep it up i like the mood expressed all the best

  • 17 years ago

    by Rhiannon

    I only know two prayers.
    In the morning, "Whatever."
    And before I fall asleep, "Oh, well."
    I'm sure I'd love to be able to say Help me, Help me, Help me.
    End with Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
    But modern (G)od is one with whom I am not familiar.

  • 17 years ago

    by SilentRebuke

    Beautiful poem. it was true in the first century and its true now. ironic. very well expressed

  • 18 years ago

    by ~yOu EnVy Me ~

    This is beautiful and true its a shame it works like that but its true 5/5 hun:)