Let her drown

by shattered and broken   Dec 10, 2006

Let her drown he whispered, into the soft night air
As he held her motionless in his arms and smelled her soft wet hair

And he dropped her heavy body into the darkened sky
And watched her softly fade and slowly let her die

But as her body slowly sunk he felt his lungs go weak
For as he watched her drink the water no longer could he speak

And the tears quietly fell from his blood shot eyes
And although no words came our his mouth softly cried

For he held his body strong although violently he shook
For now it truly hit him his loves life he had took

And he so did regret it, but it was far too late
He had closed the door behind him and sealed his own fate

But it was well deserved he thought, to ease away the pain
But as he thought again he found his actions lived in vain

For her life was not his misery it was his broken heart
And then for once he realized she hadnt torn them apart

She had never wished for this to happen at least from what he knew
She had never wished up the heavens for them to be through

And as this reality struck his trembling body fell
And as he hit the hard wood dock his world went to hell

For as he gazed upon his reflection staring into his soul
He realized that without her no longer could he be whole

And with that one last though he came upon knees
And fell into the darkness whispering, please forgive me

*Thanks for reading, this poem was just something that came into my mind one day so I wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed it. Always-
Shattered and Broken*


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  • 18 years ago

    by geeeeee

    These words strummed together are so beautiful, tragic and powerful at the same time. I loved this poem
    Awesome job! = ] xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by in spite of love

    Mmm, a great poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah Emellia

    Beautiful and sad.
    Love and tragedy.
    Horibble and brilliant!!!
    I loved it. Keep writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lady Vengeance

    I liked it : ) really really good. powerful, emotional, sorrowful.... It was really captivating.
    5/5 coz it was incredibly moving. it almost made me cry.
