Together Forever!

by ABake   Dec 10, 2006

I ♥ you
those three words are true
your the reason i smile
the reason i hold on
is all for you
tell me you feel the same
i hope you do
and you love me to
so theres nothing else to wish for
except one thing
& promise me that to your best
from this moment in our life's until the rest
you'll stay with me
to the best of your ability
and if you suddenly wake up to find our love no longer alive
then just let me go and say our good-byes but hopefully this will never happen and we will stay in love forever!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    I think this one is really sweet!
    It really gets across the message of love between two people.
    I can relate =)
    Well done

  • 18 years ago

    by Shad0w0faPh30n1x

    This is a good poem amber, great flow, i give it a 5/5!!! keep it up!!!