Pretend Friends

by beautifulxhate   Dec 10, 2006

The stupid thing about life is that there are some people that don't care if your feelings get hurt and neither do they care about other people. All they care about is right or wrong, no I'm not talking about truth or lies. I'm talking about if these, people are right. For if they say something and you choose to ignore it and learn in the long run they might have been right in some kind of way. They will shove it into your face until they have DESTROYED YOU. And even then, when they can tell that you're dying inside, piece by piece. They still wont care because they care that their right and your wrong. These are the people who you may think are your friends but in reality they are just selfish, no-it-alls, that love destroying people to make out they are the better people


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  • 18 years ago

    by _X_Perfect_Problem_X_

    Hey darl,

    ive already told u but i will tell u again
    this rocks !!! love the truth in it

    xox lino