In Love With My Best Friend

by Goth_Cat   Dec 10, 2006

I'm in love with my best friend,
I don't know what to do.
She has a boyfriend,
I have a boyfriend.

I can't tell her how i feel,
Cos it'll ruin out friendship.
But I can't keep it to myself anymore,
As I'm hurting myself in the process.

What do I do?
Tell her and risk losing our friendship?
Or keep hurting myself and not tell her?

I love her and I don't know what to do,
Do you have any suggestions?


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  • 17 years ago

    by lil shorty

    I think dat if you relly love her den try to look for a way to tell her....
    diz was happening to me n i didnt know wut to do either but 1day i just told her n now even tho she dont love me the way i love her... now she knows how i feel bout her...
    n i still have faith that one day she's gonna change her mind toward me...
    well good luck wit ur friend....
    ♥ Lil Playa ♥

  • 18 years ago

    by KNEEN

    Tell her, i was in the same perdicament
    with my friend. if she feels the same way good. but if she dosen't she'll let
    you down softly because she's not gonna want to hurt you. but in my case i said "y-e-s"!!!!!!!! and we've been cool every since. and she's still my bestfriend.

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