Shut Up and Fall

by Jemma   Dec 10, 2006

Shut up and fall
Shut up and fall
There's no need no more
To preach our way to the sky
All is lost
Left with our lies
Still gibbering, prattling on
Like an old record player
We're caught in the eye of the storm
We ain't moving
No one's moving
It's all too much
It's all the same
Everyone needs to go somewhere
Gravity weighs us down
As it raised others up
We're the ones left
Didn't plummet
Glide with false grace
To the nearing ground
But we're going the same place
Doesn't matter
They still say this
They still shout that
The forgotten ones
But they have deluded themselves
Their hearts cannot balance the truth
Have they even felt true love?
Are they not souls of darkness?
Still walking, still talking
Shut up and fall


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  • 18 years ago

    by simply crissyboo

    I really love this poem, you could easily add music and it would be a awesome song. i love all the things you connected, like the thing with the record player, and "gliding with false grace" i love those lines. keep up the good work. 5/5