Stay in love!

by ABake   Dec 10, 2006

How do i stay in love with you?
when I\\\'m so unappreciated?
u don\\\'t know how you hurt me
you don\\\'t know how much pain you put me through
when all it brings is happiness for you
i cant continue on with you acting like this
and being with you I\\\'m really going to miss
and you don\\\'t understand even though you say you do
if you did this you wouldn\\\'t put me through
but you do
and i don\\\'t get it
you love me but yet you treat me like this
and i cant even believe you would do this
you said you wouldn\\\'t but lord knows that wasn\\\'t true
so how do i know your actually telling the truth about loving me to?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    Oo, some questions are raised in this poem that could do with answering if it's spoken in real life.
    You did a great job with the language and the style in this one.
    The only thing that put me off was the / in place of the '
    But thats just P&Q messing up, lol
    You still deserve a 5/5 =)