Comments : 168

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    Hey Anthony.. its been awhile. Dude, I know exactly how you feel. I was able to get 3 days away from my parents. I told them I was on retreat for school, and stayed the night over at a friend's house. It was the best 3 days ever!.. Well, I don't know what you can do, but I hope everything is alright. Take care buddy.. dont like to see you down.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarah Ann

    Beautiful poem...sometimes we all need some alone time. I definately feel you on this part, since I am constantly complaining about the need to 'get away' This work was so heartfelt, and your structure was absolutely extroadinary! Keep it up, Anthony.

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Wow, I can definitely identify with those feelings. I want so badly most times to have a break from the insanity of life, but at the same time I am not terribly fond of myself and I don't always trust myself during me time. Not exactly the same, but I know the idea. Life is full of was too my pressure, pressure to please, to fit it, to achieve, to sacrifice, to be perfect, to be wanted, to love, etc. Keep swimming and eventually your opposing current will lessen a bit. Until then, you know CC+P is around. You don't know me b/c I haven't been around for a while, been dealing with some stuff, but I am back, and glad to meet you. Keep your chin up, and crutch yourself with friends, hot chocolate (or coffee if your prefer) and a good book/poetry when things get too much to bare. Huggles.
