Lauren Powley
I am so glad I got to know you
You were always good to me
Your absence already makes me blue
I remember when we first met
You took one look and said â??cool scareâ??
That made things the best they could get
Back then I had no idea you were such a star!
Setting you is so easy
Your so fast, and can hit absolutely anything!
I know this may sound cheesy
But in life you have so much to bring
Iâ??m sorry your back was hurt
If I couldâ??ve I would have taken the pain
Given you my back and taken a red shirt
Unfortunately from that I had to restrain
Luckily things got better
You could once again play
Iâ??m sad that for you I never got to be the setter
Why canâ??t you stay?
I will miss you so much
It just wont me the same
Your English accent was just the right touch
Actually without you things will be lame!