My Baby

by Cathy   Dec 11, 2006

I laid there in a hospital bed tired and sore
I looked up to see the nurse as she walked through the door

She asked how I was feeling I said I was okay
With all the pain medication my mind must have slipped away

I asked the nurse if my baby was alright
She said he is doing better than what he was last night
After she left I got up to go down the hall
I remember feeling really weak trying not to fall

I opened the doors and walked into the NI-CU
I looked all around but couldn't see you

Than as I was just about to go ask a nurse
I heard a little cry that sounded familiar

I followed the cry and it led me to you
I walked up to the incubator and pierced through

There you were crying and kicking in your bed
I looked at you and could see the IV they put in your head

I wanted to grab you and make you feel safe
I remember the memory it will never be erased

I felt hopeless like there was nothing I could do
The only thing I could give was all my love to you

You finally stopped crying it was like you sensed I was there
You must have sensed my love and much of my care

I put my hands through the holes in the glass
I didn't want to waste a moment that passed

I touched your little hands I felt you wrap them around my finger
I just stood there standing letting the moment linger

At 29 weeks and 2 1/2 pounds
I watched you sleeping not making a sound

I didn't let go I just watched you all day
I couldn't leave I couldn't turn away

The Nurses would tell me to go get some sleep
Before my body gets tired and weak

But I didn't want to go I just stayed there all night
I was so lucky you put up a fight

So then days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to years
And I am so lucky that you are still here

God has blessed me with an angel from above
You were sent down from heaven to have all my love


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kelly

    This is a lovely poem. I love poems that convey a sense of hope and i feel that this shows how precious life and especially children are. A wee miracle. loved it. (5/5)


  • 18 years ago

    by Megan

    Awwww so sweet i am glade your child is okay if this is a true event. (tear) this touches the heart and soul

  • 18 years ago

    by Bryan

    This is a very good and touching poem, it has great flow, i give it a 5/5!!! keep it up!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    Awwwww that is soo sweet :)) loved this poem :))

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