So LonG And Fair well......

by faithleon   Dec 11, 2006

I never tough i would say goodbye to u
i never tough it would be so hard to get over u
I tough our love was forever like u promised me
i promised myself not to fall n love with u
but, it turns out im complety n love with u
ur the one i never tough i would find
but, i find myself n love and heart broken
broken into 2
never tough it would be u
the one
i would be cryn to 2
but so long and fair well..
cuz im not cryn\' or even start tryn\'
Im try\'n to get over u
as hard as it might b
it wasnt ment 2 b
so long and fair well...


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  • 18 years ago

    by TeenageTrash

    keep up th good work.

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