The Soldier Marches Backwards

by geeeeee   Dec 12, 2006

His words are of such harsh character
A piercing to her own ears
His eyes are filled with such anger and rage
In the air tonight
Their is uneasiness, a tense feeling spreads throughout the room
She bites her lip, blood trickles down slowly
Seeping through the cracks on her dry lips
Gritted teeth, clenching hands
She closes her eyes, only for a moment
To hold back the tears she longs to shed
A mere second of darkness overcomes her
Yet it feels like a lifetime
Her judgment is slightly clouded
As his words repeat over in her head
Like a old broken record
Swallowing away her ability to think
To feel and know what is real
She bears such a great burden
A hurt, a pain to know
That her soldier who marches back wards
Is at war with his own heart
It slowly kills her inside
Her heart, it slowly dies
Her spirit slowly withers into the worlds of nothingness
To know that she cant do a god damn thing to save him.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Zach-E

    I enjoyed your poetry very much. your writing reflects that of someone much older and wiser than your age may indicate. I hope to read more from you in the future.

  • 17 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Wow... this poem is filled with really great emotion... the flow was good and it was an enjoyale read...

    i didnt like when you spoke of blood dripping from your dry lips.. the whole poem you used such beautiful but painful ways to describe your feelings and then talking about blood is just very elementry and doesnt fit in this poem... in some poems its good.. i myself have poems with talk of it, however, this poem is more advanced than that... also in the last line... i think the perfect touch would be taking out god damn... the line is strong in itself and god damn seems unnecessary to me :D

  • 18 years ago

    by ShootingStar179

    You are wise way beyond your years. Jeez. I love the title. It's just great. Love your talent!!

  • 18 years ago

    by xPerfect Chaosx

    You are such a great writer, keep up the good work, Swallowing away her ability to think. To feel and know what is real, I love that line and thanks for the comment!!
    Much Love,

  • 18 years ago

    by Akasha

    Wow, I loved it. Keep writing, you obviously have talent.