What's Wrong

by ForeverGoneInYourEyes   Dec 12, 2006

"What's wrong?"
That's what you ask
When you look in my eyes
You see right past
That mask I wear
To everyone else
I cannot believe you saw past
Everything I put up
To keep out the bad looks
You just saw through me
You worked my head incredibly fast
I had to think
I didn't want to let you down
So I lied
I said always "Nothing"
Well that was far from it
The truth lied deep within me
Something I could barely look at
I hate seeing you worrying
You worried once that you'd lose me
I worry everyday
So only know this
At least if anythings wrong
I always worry about losing you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Very good poem. I can totally relate. Great job. Keep up the good work:) 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by ForeverYoung

    Hmmm... not your best, sorry.
    I really didn'd enjoy reading this poem much.
    Its very cliched topic and it quite unorigional. sorry to be so harsh.
    On a better note, your punctuation is great.
