What hurts the most

by stephanie fuller   Dec 12, 2006

What hurts the most

what hurts the most...
everyday when i see you i just want to break down and cry...
because i know that you dont love me anymore...
and that you also dont feel the way i do about you..
i just wish i was able to let you know how i feel...

what hurts the most...
was being so close and having so much to say...
but not being able to tell you..
all i would love to say is that i still love you...
and that i need you...
that will never change..

what hurts the most...
was seeing you walk away when i looked at you...
you always give me a smile when i look at you...
sometimes i wish i could go up to you and hold you...
and when u look at me i just wish it was not because u just feel like it...
i wish it was because u still love me and u want me to know...

what hurts the most....
its hard to face the pain of loosing you everywhere i go...
its hard to force a smile on my face when i see my friends...
its hard to get up every morning...
all because i dont know if your gonna be there or not...
everytime you not there i go crazy because i miss you...

what hurts the most.....
i can just take a tear every now and then and just let em out...
im not afraid to cry everyonce in a while even though going on without you still upsets me...
there are days that i pretend of being ok but that what hurts the most..
because of being so close and having so much to say and seeing you walk away
its hard to face the fact that your gone every now and then...
but saying that im in love with you is what im trying to do...

what hurts the most....
is that everytime i think of the time you told me you loved me....
i wonder if that was a lie...
because what i told you wasnt...
because without you,everything seems strange...
because your name is forever planted in my brain...

what hurts the most...
is that i wish we could give it an other chance...
but i dont think that its in your plans for the futur...
i really miss you and i wish you just knew...
there is so many things that i have to tell you but i just dont know how...

what hurts the most....
is that...
i need you and...
i miss you and...
i want you and...
i love you cause...
i wanna hold you...
i wanna kiss you..
you were my everything...
and i really miss you...

what hurts the most...
i think about you and it brings tears to my eyes...
because i wanna be in your arms all over again...
i wanna be able to tell you that i love you...
and tell you that i need you...
and caress you like i never did before....

what hurts the most...
is that i want you to be able to tell me that you love me...
like you used to...
but i guess thats all gonna be a dream from now on...

what hurts the most...
is that i dont know what to do without...
you made me a different person...
i gave you all my heart but now my heart is lost...
i wish you could help me find it again...
because i know who has my heart and that is you...

what hurts the most...
i just wish you knew that i loved you...
because i wanted to be with you until the day that i get killed...
you were the only reason for me to live...
and now i dont know what to do...
my love for you is like breathing how can i stop...

what hurts the most...
is that i tryed to get you off my mind but there was no luck..
your always on my mind 24/7 and even in my dreams...
i just wish you would understand all my feelings that i have for you...
but i guess again all that is going to be is a dream that will never come true

what hurts the most...

p.s. ppl please comment my poem i wanna know what you guys think of it thanks alot


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fading Memories

    I love this poem... I love the descriptiveness the emotion and overall its one of the best yet!!!!!


    ^^ 5/5!

  • 17 years ago

    by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight

    That was really long but well written and really beautiful...5/5 please keep writing and I will keep reading

  • 18 years ago

    by stephanie fuller

    Heyhey ppl i would love for u guys to send me comments because its my first time doing this lol anyways thanks

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