Kiss me kiss me please

by Escoffier   Dec 12, 2006

Kiss me kiss me please
One more time for me
Tell me you love me
O how it calms me
I know the lies, I know the truths
Somehow I will be the one blooded after you
I sleep alone on my stone floor
So I can felt the warmth of your evil curse
I think of the time I felt so alive
In your arms my mind never cried

Then the truth was revealed for all to see
Of the material that god made your heart out of broken dreams
I would have bet all of me if God asked me
If I thought you would have stabbed me
No, I was wrong
I fell from the moon onto the earth
And broke in 1000000 pieces
Not even close to the pain of living without you
I will never forget what is was to be in love with you
It was the most happiness I ever knew


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Perfectly Imperfect vaney

    Beautifly written. it almost made me cry cause i can relate! lol 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by SECRET

    Soo full of ma fillings!!

  • 18 years ago

    by SECRET

    It was the most happiness I ever knew

    and the worst!--