Comments : Your Torture Continues...

  • 18 years ago

    by mathiax

    Hahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im the first to comment and i visited you 4 times with my excitement!!!=p!!and always first to comment!! im soooooo proud of this poem!! cause i helped in it alittle!!!! ^_^ happy happy happy!!! and today IS a happy day for me!!! im gonna join you soon bi!!! leave your scheidule for jan and feb free!!! cause you wont have time for anything once your twin is there!!! looooooooooool!!! we're gonna rock their worlds!! the angel and devil twins are back!!! and they are more powerful than ever!!! loooooooool!!! btw i think you're doing great without him by your side!!! keep it up until i come and then you wont remember his name cause im gonna make you forget he ever existed!!! loooooool!!! just wait and see guy!! i used to defend you before but no one and i mean NO ONE breaks my bubu's heart and gets away with it alive!!! love ya bu!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    LOOOOL!!! LOOOVEE YOOOU!!! walla i caaant waait!! daaamn i miss u sooo muuuch!!! ummmwaaaah!!!
    thaaanx alot for the comment! =)
    love ya hun bun !

  • 18 years ago

    by mathiax

    Love ya more!!! cant wait either!!! wish it was tomorrow!!! be prepared dubai for the return of the angel and devil twins!!!! looooooooooool!!!!! toooooooooo excitted!!!!XD!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    LOOL!! hell yeaaah!!! ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by Wada

    love it as usual:P
    keep it up and good luck

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Thaaanx wadaa!! =D

  • 18 years ago

    by cuca aShLeY

    I totally love this poem..its funny how much i can relate it to my life..i noe how hard it is to have someone like that and how painful..well its a great onee thougnh painful..hope evrything goes alriht:P

  • 18 years ago

    by Angel in moonlight

    Wow, sounds like you were really in love with this person, it breaks my heart just reading this poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Angel in moonlight

    Wow, sounds like you were really in love with this person, it breaks my heart just reading this poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Thaanx for the comment cuca.. i guess its true what they say "to live is to suffer" ! =p

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Angel in moonlight... yeah i did really love him.. i actually never loved anyone that much... thaanx alot for the comments! i appreciate them alot! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Wow, this poem shows that you loved him so very much and I'm sorry you are hurting! I wish I could help! Thank you for commenting!

  • 18 years ago

    by Olivia

    THANKS again for all the great comments! This one captured my attention{although it was long, and i usually get too ADD to finishh the long ones :P}. but wow. this one is so incredibly relatable. and touched the heart. lol. no, it really did though. :D

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Lool!! well.. sorry for making it so long.. but i had alot of emotions to let out!!

    and thanx for commenting ! =)

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Though your flow is sometimes off, this was a VERY good poem! I really liked it a lot! I mean you really poured yourself into it and that made it so good. Though one line here is much longer than the other, these were my favorites
    But when I noticed that a week has passed
    I suddenly exploded into tears for all the un-cried days that have passed
    I enjoyed the way you worded that.
    Thank you for the really nice comment on my poem. I'm looking forward to writing more, and also having a new reader!

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Thaaanx alot for the comment! i reaally appreciate it honey! =D

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey there hunni! how are you? I hope you're doing great! well I have to go...buh-bye!

  • 17 years ago

    by Chrissie

    I like this poem alot. You have expressed the way you feel n the way you have written it, is amazing. Thnx for the comment on my poem. Keep up the awesome work xox

  • 17 years ago

    by Boogie


    thaanx for the comment ! =)

    i really appreciate it !!