You've Found Me

by myshiningstar14   Dec 12, 2006

Look into my eyes,
do you see the pain?
Look into my eyes,
do you see the rain?

Look into my smile,
do you see the hurt?
Look into my smile,
do you see my worth?

on my own,
the world spinning out
of control;I gaze at my
heart, and there your
face reflects.

Look into my face,
do you see my beauty?
Look into my face,
do you see my innocence?

Look into my heart,
do you see the scars?
Look into my heart,
do you see how far I've

You don't see
the pain,
the rain.
You don't see
the hurt,
the scars.
You see
the worth,
the beauty.
You see
the innocence,
how far I've
come because
you've found me.



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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    This is beautiful. I love the way you structure your poems, it gives them a tone of their own