You Deserve Better/Less Than What You Think I Am

by myshiningstar14   Dec 12, 2006

I can't help but think,
I'll never heal.
You deserve so much
I'm sorry this nightmares
so real.
You deserve so much

The look on your face
as we drove away,
killed me,
impaled my heart to
a thousand pieces;
knowing that I had
hurt the one I love,
the one whose always
there for me.

The memories of
that night fade to dust,
as my hope flies above,

I'm sorry I'm less than
what you think I am.
I'm not special,
I'm an emotional wreck.
I'm not special,
I'm a nightmare.
You deserve so much

I'm sorry but I'm less
than what you think I
am, there's nothing
worth a second look
here; but the dying
song my heart makes
like cake smothering
you face as you try to

You deserve so much
you deserve so much
better, for I am less
than what you think
I am.

**its amazing how in one incident how we see ourselves we handle things makes us less than what we can be..think about it.**


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  • 17 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    How we hand le things realyl makes us feel less than what we know we can be thts why sumtimes i feel as if im less than what i really am and i think in that we can all truely relate bc even when we fail were stil who weve alwasy been its just were stumbling for words so we trip and mess up and often when we mess up we blow it out of proportion and think that its bigger than it really is...think about it