
by myshiningstar14   Dec 12, 2006

My body floats in the
coldness, in the absence
of your touch.
My heart stilled,
my ending unwilled.
I will never know the
grace of life, because
to you I never lived.

I grew inside you,
I was fed by you
than as the light
grew, I died.
My heart stopped.
My limbs
ripped ripped ripped
from me.
My flesh,
scraped scraped scraped.
My bones,
popped popped popped
from there sockets.

I was formed by you,
given my own identity.
I was molded, crooned
to live the mirrored life
of my mother.

Mother?? Mother?
You call yourself a
mother?!?! Well I'm
sorry if I'm mistaken,
but I may not have been
but I coulda sworn I
heard laughter,
and music. Hugs and
kisses and bed time
stories. You took care
of me when I was inside
you, but then one day
you gave up on me.

Mother? Mother? You call
yourself a mother!??! I may
not have been born but I
coulda sworn you were to
take care if me, always
be there for me. You just
had to have your way,
didn't you? DIDN'T YOU??
Thought of no one but

I could be in your arms
our of harm,
not that you deserve it,
but I guessed I deserved
to be lying here in a bed of
bodies surrounded by those
like me, without a Mother.

**enjoy kinda sad but thanks for reading**


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    I can relate..
    I'd like to say more but it's pretty painful..