Just A Day In My Hopeless Life...

by Serena   Dec 13, 2006

I got to school each day,
not knowing what will happen.
But knowing it will probably be the same.

I get inside and go to my locker.
I get all my stuff and all my books.
To my right the jocks, and my left,
the flirty girls giving me dirty looks.

Yep, just another normal day in my life.

First period french.
Nothing much to say.
Boring as usual.
Except, a pop quiz today.

The bell rings, first period is over.
Alright, I can go home in just 5 hrs.

2nd period music is not that bad.
I just go in my own little place
and practice playing my guitar
trying to keep my space.

Next is lunch
oh that is pretty fun.
Sitting at a table alone
waiting for the clock to strike one.

Third period math, easy and boring.
So many idiots in that class
but oh well, I am closer to going home.
Gotta try to ignore those kiss-asses.

Next fourth period geography.
I guess it is alright.
I do not get much for that class
So I will not have much to do tonight.

Ah, there is the day end bell.
Like music to my ears.
Now I can go home
feels like I have been here for years.

Going to my locker to get ready to go.
Everybody flirting and socializing.
I drop all my stuff and all flies everywhere.
Everyone just laughs and starts criticizing.

I try to get all my papers
my face is burning red.
I get my coat and run out the door
wishing I were dead.

When I finally get home
and get through the door,
I drop my stuff and cry,
falling to the floor.

Afterwards, I wash my face
to rid my puffy eyes
to hide the evidence from my dad
of all my cries.

I sit down for supper
and dad asks how was my day.
I am silent then respond
oh it was okay.

Dad just looks at me
then goes back to eating
he says oh that is good
and does not suspect a thing.

Later on I go to bed
thinking about my day
and how that tomorrow
will be just the same

Just one day in my hopeless life...


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  • 18 years ago

    by im no one

    , i know how that is, good poem,