The universe wants this

by grim   Dec 13, 2006

Tender night's alive
Fleeing leaves around
Shy palms kept still
Wander-less eyes on ground
Hearts aroused so high
Brain's calculating too quick
The moments so unnerving
Something not so easy to lick
I finally raise my head
And find your eyes aglow
You want a goodnight kiss
But self-esteems too low
Your hands grips your fabric
Squeezing away the patience
You want my lips on yours
Screamed your hands as they clenched
I want to give you a finale
An erupting sky of pleasure
But fantasies now are weak
And proving difficult to measure
The wind is urging me
The brisk it pegs on my neck
The earth is watching us
Forcing now to next
Streets lamps dim their shine
blue moon commands the night
Darkness yields their triumph
Giving path to light
The air orchestrates the tunes
That beats against our hearts
We can only finish
What the grand universe has start
I throw away the shyness
And take a bold step ahead
The world chisels the way
And at your soul's where I'm lead.


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  • 18 years ago

    by DeadGirl AKA Becka

    Very well writen Grim, I like the flow of the poem. keep up all ur hard work!! Luvs, DeadGirl