Let Me In

by Broken   Dec 14, 2006

Baby, I can't take this any more
You keep avoiding the answer
You don't want me to leave
But you don't want me any closer.
I know you're heart has been broken
More times than anyone's should
But I can't make up for the other woman
Even though I wish I could.
But baby, I've been hurt too
By those who meant the most to me
And promises have been left unfulfilled
And I've been broken and left empty
But to me, this love is worth the risk
Baby, we could have it all
But one of us has to be the first to go
And risk taking the dangerous fall.
But know, that if you're the first to leap
I'll be following right behind
Because when we both sit down and look at it
We know it can only be right.
I'm not saying it'll be perfect
Or that it'll be a straight road
But I know we'll be fine and make it
If we hold on and don't let go.
Baby, if you need more time
I'll be here when you're ready
But realize I have feelings too
So keep the consistency steady
Don't love me at night
And push me away in the day
I haven't and I'm not going to hurt you
Baby, I'm here and I want to stay.
But you have to make up your mind
And tell me how it's going to be
Because either I will hold on for good
Or I will set you free.


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  • 18 years ago

    by caleb

    I enjoy your poem.
    I hope you will vote on mine:>)