
by Corryn Clay   Dec 14, 2006

The pain and greif
the horrible misery
the hurt, no laughs
All releived by one thing

That point, of that knife
That pain inflictor
that idea that thought
Pushed upon my bare arm

The pressure, the intensity
the little dropplets of blood
the releif of all my troubles
brought with a rush of adreniline

no one knows
no one even cares
no one there to try to stop me,
if i should try to cut to deep

there is scares and scabs
there is still the hurt
there is pain and tears
from no one there to love me

All these things
all these thoughts
all these troubled memories
running through my head constantly!

i hate my life
i hate these things
i hate every single little thing
in my hate filled, young life

there in that bathroom
ther in my hand
there is the knife
that cut my wrist so deeply

here i am
here on this floor, lookin up
here i shall stay
until someone moves my dead corpse


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  • 18 years ago

    by Corryn Clay

    Becca read this very intence poem and becca thinks its very disturbing!! becca likes it that ur life isn't that hatefilled so that ur life isn't like this. its good but scary!