
by (*andrea*hurtinside*)   Dec 14, 2006

All she can feel is the pain of a lost love and a bleeding arm everyday is the same with a broken heart and a used name the same black dress and tear filled eyes but one thing that is different is the amount of scares on her wrists he promised to take her away from her so save her from her pain but he lost his life in a traggic mistake and her heart franticly broke her bright lifed dimed and her soul went pitch black her whole world changed in a split second...her nuckles say hate and her eyes are swollen from the tears so like anyother day she gets up gets dressed but this time she is way over upset and now shes so obbsesed with the pain but today the pain is worse then ever in her mind the room was shaking cause the whole world is falling apart she takes the blade and carves a name but its not an ordanery name its the word pain then she cuts her vein and as her other wirst is bleeding and shes slwoly dying she cuts her stomec and carves a heart on her cheek then she falls to the floor the carpet in the middle of the rooms and the last words she says is *i\'ll always love u like we promised*, now shes gone but her spirt never really did live on because a spirit with no soul does not countinu living on


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