by samantha   Dec 14, 2006

Do you lay with me at night
Even though your not in my sight
Do you think of me like I think of you
Even though were in a different place
Do you watch me when I write to you on myspace
Are you there with me when I cry
Do you try and answer me when I ask why
Do you sing with me when our song comes on
Do you lay with me when I realize your gone
Do you miss me the way I miss you
Will we be together when my days are through
Do you go back to the memories in your mind
Do you wish like I wish we could go back in time
Did your heart break the day you went away
Why couldnt you just stay
Everyday we miss you more and more
24/7 your on my mind,
Wishing I could go back in time.


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  • 17 years ago

    by miss insecurity

    :] doesnt everyone wish they had a guy like that?

    i used too..

    hahah but now hes just my bestfriend..

    oh well :P

    its a great poem tho!

    its scarey to think most of you live in america when im all isolated here down under in australia :P


  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    Omg. this was really sad. i totally can relate to this poem.. it was very touching and u could c the emotion coming through. i ask myself the same questions.. neway thank u soo much about the comment on my poem. it really meant alot. xx

  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Dont think it shoulda been called why but i love the poem..awesome job hunn. i use to live in pa wehre u live?
