Black Widow

by Cooper   Dec 15, 2006

An enchantress,
gowned in black and silky dress.
Their eyes mourn in night,
and hindering and accrue in scarlet;
crystals torn asunder by fearsome spite.
Mists and fogs pervert their curves,
fantasies alive, though tucked in tight.

Eight lady legs creeping,
snickering as midnight makes you sleepy.
Their fangs perish white,
sick humor glistening in a smile,
wicked and plastered upon butterfly face,
razorblade cunts with devilish guile.

Moonlit strands of silk,
pasty and unseen in Luna's lies,
and though you squirm, drowsy,
Luck has drawn ugly snake eyes.
Your promises are lousy,
while theirs read salacious and fine.

Crimson begins to pour,
slow and silent little rivers,
from your neck to the floor.
Black widow, black widow,
a spider with perplexing riddle.
Chalk white assassins painted black,
from the shadows you attack,
leaving nothing in your lethal track.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sara_Nicole

    Great Job..This Poem Is Really Really Good..It Makes Me Feel Mischevious and Naughty...But I Don't Know Why.....

  • Very was wonderful once again. *sighs* by now you can tell I have like nothing to do in the morning except read wonderful poetry and wait for 5:30 to come around so I can wake up my step-sisters (which one of my darker poems are about...hehe)


  • 17 years ago

    by Crimson Moon

    Interesting poem
    You made an impressive description of the black widow
    I changed something at Untitled... I think it's ok now :-?
    anyway... excellent job ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by Elynnka

    I really liked your descriptions and wording! You really managed to paint a picture in my mind! Good write! ^^