Dying too Soon

by Corruption   Dec 15, 2006

My best friend I am sorry
after all we have shared
after all we have been though
I don�t want to die

it is hard for me
while the birds sing
and the children play
the day is beautiful for me to die

goodbye my father
I was different then the rest
but you did your best
and your best was good enough

and now I am gonna die
for all my kindness and love
for saving a child from death
I was replaced in her place

my little Mitchell live long and happy
remember your dad as I was
not as the weak man I have become
but as the person who lived by your side

death has come too soon
while the birds sing
I am going to die
for all my kindness and love

**this poem is about a song I was listening to my a Canadian musician named (Terry Jack) the song was called (Seasons in the Sun) it is a good song**


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  • 18 years ago

    by Emi

    4 a second keenan,u scared d shit outta me,its a good poem,well written,gosh u beta at it than me.lol.ttyl hun.Kate

  • 18 years ago

    by WordsHurt

    MUST be a nice song! Cause this is G.R.E.A.T! Nice flow! Very well written. And yass there's a small typo error on the last line of first stanza> OTher than that everything was great as usual! Well done! And keep up the great work!

    Keep SMiling
    ^_^Luv Sux

  • 18 years ago

    by blueknight

    Lol i knew this sone man and yeah this was a good song

  • 18 years ago

    by Bryan

    Well i think its very good keenan, great flow, i give this poem a 5/5!!! keep it up!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by simply crissyboo

    Awww.thats so sweet. it must be a great song, cause its a really sweet poem. great job.