Whispers and Words {Short Story}

by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex   Dec 15, 2006

Answer the last two questions... I'm curious to see what everyone perceives.

Hush! Do you hear these words? A whisper is covering the lands. Do you know these words? Are familiar the dashing of which we cannot hear your own? Hush! A new thought is proclaimed! But, can anyone hear it? Do not whisper such gallant thoughts; SCREAM them to the world, let these thoughts be known, or no one will hear, understand.

A darkness dashes over the lands . . . And something rustles in the woods. You freeze. Rustling is heard deep within, you struggle to listen to these haunting thoughts. But, why struggle to hear a frightening thing? Do you wish to hear what was never said to you? The words grow closer, no longer a whisper, but still soft, yet harsh words. They surround you and your being. You are angry. You cannot see these words that frighten you so, cannot feel, cannot understand, cannot taste.

They soon are upon, these words. Yet, why still cannot you hear the softly uttered words? A thought dashes through your mind, but you push it away; what a silly thought you had! Dancing, dancing, you swear you can see the silver whispers so carelessly flung through the air. And you grow frightened. Do - you- hear them? As the words close around you intently flowing . . . What are these words? And . . . To whom do these precious words belong?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Bridget

    Wow this poem really made me think.. I'm still trying to think what those words were are whom they belonged to. Great imagery in there, you could maybe even use more. But i loved it, it was something different. 5/5 :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Normal is the Watchword

    I believe these words, or how I relate to them as being, are words that I always find sitting beside me appearing without thinking of them or being aware of them, and hearing them through my without having to actually think about what is being written.

    It did seem to drag on a bit but it was strong none-the-less. I could see the silver and hear the rustling and words. Can you trace them? Can you hear them, yourself?

  • 18 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    Oh btw look back at the free comments post, I wrote something to you about your last post:


  • 18 years ago

    by Brittney Follett

    This poem really makes you think. I think the words are asking me to dance with death. I have no idea! What do they say to you. The words belong to those who are losing their minds, they are dancing with fate now. You described everything really great. You did an awesome job on this.



  • 18 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Wow. Intricate, a delicate and unique style. I like your word use, and i like the formation of your lines/sentences. Great write. Very cute.