Romance (Paradelle)

by Italian Stallion   Dec 15, 2006

Romance is the very essence of life
Romance is the very essence of life
Without it the world would go insane
Without it the world would go insane
The world without romance
Is a world without life

Such a love that is oh so real
Such a love that is oh so real
Making it feel just so surreal
Making it feel just so surreal
Love is so surreal
Just making it so real

Feeling your warmth by my side
Feeling your warmth by my side
And the soft tender touch of your lips
And the soft tender touch of your lips
Your soft warmth and your tender touch
By my side, the touch of lips

Your love is making my life insane
Is it real or is it surreal?
Your tender lips, without my soft touch
Your warmth without feeling romance
Your love life is insane
So is your love real or surreal?

© Copyright 2006 By: Italian Stallion

~Written for a contest~

The Paradelle is a modern poetic form invented by Billy Collins as a parody of the villanelle.
Billy Collins claimed that the paradelle was a difficult, fixed form consisting of four six-line
stanzas with a repetitive pattern invented in eleventh century France, and the press believed
the story and ran with it. Due to the extensive publicity, the Paradelle has made its rounds
in the poetic community. Eventhough the form was invented as a hoax, the Paradelle has taken
on a life of its own. It is still a difficult form, nonetheless, to practice which can be fun and
rewarding eventhough the inventor may not have intended it to be.


First Three Stanzas:

The first two lines as well as the third and fourth lines of the first three stanzas must be the same
(repeat). Where it begins to get difficult and become more of a poetic puzzle is when reaching
fifth and sixth lines. These lines must contain all the words from the preceding four lines within
the stanza using them only once to form completely new lines.

Last Stanza:

For the most difficult piece of this poetic puzzle, the final stanza of the paradelle does not repeat like
the preceding stanzas, rather the final six lines must contain every word from the first three stanzas,
and only those words, again using them only once to form completely new lines.

The Design is simple:

Stanza 1: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4
Stanza 2: 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8
Stanza 3: 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12
Stanza 4: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lecrissa

    Very difficolt, You have my admeration. well done.