Fallen in love

by Sarah   Dec 15, 2006

His smile so timid, his glare so unique,
the movement of lips as i watch him speak,
his height oh so perfect, his eyes oh so blue,
his personality and figure was a gift for him too,
as i sit in the classroom, as i take to my seat,
as i place down my pencil and tuck in my feet,
i cant help but look over i cant help but see,
those ocean wave eyes are in direction of me,
i give off a smile as i glance back to the book,
but when his head turned i just couldnt help but look,
so as the bell strikes and the lessons the end,
i collect my belongings then walk off in pretend,
but one day whilst going i felt a nudge of my head,
i turned round he held me and this is what he said,
' your eyes are so beautiful your smile is fine,
your hair gives of beauty and your gentle and kind,
i just want you to know this, and i swear that its true,
but deep down inside i have feelings for you'
i smiled and gazed as i turned to a blush,
i couldnt actually believe it my very first crush,
he carried on his sentence as good as can be,
with the words of i like you go out with me.
i accepted his offer as i stood proud and tall
this was my very first crush and the longest crush of all.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Wow thisp oem is amazing, everybody can relate to this poem, even tho it might not happen exactly like that, everybody has a first crush and will remember it forever, nice work 5/5