
by Maisha   Dec 16, 2006

Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I cry
But no matter what
It doesnt matter how hard I try.

My body is breaking
As well as my heart
Tonight I'll cry
And tomorrow I'll die.

I try not to bring
The blade to my wrist
But I don't have the energy
To even try to resist.

Blood flows freely
As my life ebbs slowly out
Tonight I'll dream of
Blood, death and angels

Tomorrow I won't wake
And my eyes will close
I'm sorry if I hurt you
I'm sorrier than you'll ever know.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ney ney

    Wow isha... really gud.. i felt that... missingu loads.. love you mwah

  • 18 years ago

    by Sarahs death angel

    Love it!! its awesome babe
    love you