Thoughts from Your Daughter

by Secret Obsession   Dec 16, 2006

You say you don't understand me
Well you would if you'd listen to what I have to say

But since you're the adult here
you decide to turn away

I've tried to make you happy
but it seems I can't do anything right

And if I stand up for myself,
It just starts a pointless fight

I hate when you think I'm revolting
because that isn't true

I've just been trying to remind you
that I have feelings too

Can't you see I'm growing up
and I'm not a child anymore?

I wish you'd think about that while we're fighting before you slam your door

Is this what you want me to remember ten years from now?

Us fighting and never talking about it because we act like we don't know how

I just hope you realize that I've been trying to get attention from you

And that I've always loved you
even when I doubted you loved me too


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  • 18 years ago

    by Elizabeth

    I felt like that a lot a few yrs back and sometimes even 2day. perfect way to put into words...