I see terrible car crashes
Right in front of my eyes.
The people around don't see it
I go pass the wreck and i see blood
Its like its real, like i can touch it
and feel the warmth.
People think I'm just seeing things
Like its something normal
I say i got a problem and need help
I see myself exit out of my body
Like a shell just standing there
Not able to hear but able to see.
I see myself go over to people
and then fall to my knees crying.
I don't know why.
I want an answer
I see the lips moving
But no words are heard.
My shell feels like its been standing there for hours...
Really no time passes by.
No one can see it, but me.
So why.....me?
Why do i have to see these?
Why does it have to be me?
Can i be helped?
I'm stuck in a black hole
It wont let me out.
I cant budge,
I'm Cracking....
soon I'm afraid I'm gonna shadder
Soon I'm afraid I'm gonna fall
Fall in the blits of the hole
Never to be seen.