Bear Beneath Your Tree

by Just Me   Dec 16, 2006

Dec 16 2006 1:05P

*Dork Alert*

twas the week before christmas
and all through the land
every creature was stirring
every last man

every child was laughing
every woman was dancing
every man was singing
and every scrooge was bahumbugging

and so the people hurried
to get christmas gifts
wrapped in red and green
with big boes on top

even I
was scurring to and fro
trying to complete
my christmas gift list

when I came upon your name
I was befundled and thought
\"hmm what does one get
for someone so great?\"

No perfume
no toy
no thing alone
could ever be enough

finally I made up my mind
and thought
\"hmm a card would be nice
yes a card could make this complete\"

so to the card aisle
I hustled and bustled
to pick out my favorite
from all the rest

I looked at cards that sung
and cards that made me laugh
I looked at them all I say
and none fit just right

\"still\" I thought \"I have to try\"
so from the mountains of cards
came a sweet little card
with an envelope too

still I hadn\'t done my duty
it didn\'t feel complete
\"hmm\" I thought
I was confundled and befundled

what else could be given
what indeed
home made cookies
or maybe flowers so green

no, no, no none of these seemed right
so I sat there befundled
and thought hard and long
about what to give to someone so great

Then it hit me
and oh how I laughed
for it had been before me
this whole christmas time

what would make my gift complete
was some good christmas cheer and a hug from a bear
yes this would make it complete

so this christmas morning
if you happen to find
a bear sleeping beneath your tree
fear not... he\'s from me =)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    I loved it lol :) tho lets spkip on the bear and send some chocolates instead lol :) loved the poem :))))